Forms and Requirements
Certificate of Occupancy
Land Clearing
Notice of Commencement
Pod (Temporary Storage Structure)
Screen Enclosure
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Fast Track Plan Review
Fast Track plan review is requested when a contractor has all the required paperwork and approvals and needs to have the plans reviewed as quickly as possible. A cost recovery account of $1,000.00 must be set-up at time of submittal.
Preliminary Review
Preliminary review allows an architect/owner to submit plans for review prior to obtaining a contractor. A cost recovery account of $1,000.00 must be set up at time of submittal, along with double the processing fee.
Walk-Thru Permits
For your convenience, the city offers walk-thru permits on minor permits that are required to be reviewed by one or two departments. The review time is Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. There is a three (3) permit limit, per person.
Temporary Testing
This form is submitted when a project needs to test equipment and the city releases the power, before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. This applies to commercial jobs only and requires the notarized signatures of the owner, general contractor and electrical contractor. Per City Ordinance #2059 (applicable at time of permit submittal), a fee is charged based on the square footage of the job. A final temp testing electrical inspection is required.
Fixturing Permit
A fixturing permit is required for the installation of racks, shelves unmovable and/or energized cubicle/furniture or gondolas. This permit is obtained before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
Special Inspector
The Florida Building Code 5th Edition (2014), Administrative Section 110.10 authorizes performance of special inspections. These inspectors must be certified engineers and approved by the Building Official. A hold harmless letter must be submitted to the City, along with a copy of liability insurance with the City of Plantation as the certificate holder. Please see sample of hold harmless letter for Special Inspector.
Permit Extension
You may apply for an extension for your permit, before it expires. A permit is valid for 180 days from the day it was issued.
Private Providers
The Florida Statutes 553.79 authorizes performance of private inspections. A contractor or homeowner has the option to hire a private provider to perform plan review and inspections. These inspectors must be certified engineers and approved by the Building Official. A hold harmless letter must be submitted to the City, along with a copy of liability insurance with the City of Plantation as the certificate holder. Please see sample of hold harmless letter for Private Provider Inspector.
Replacing Contractor
There are several ways you can remove or replace a contractor on your job. If the original contractor will give you a notarized release letter or cancel letter from the qualifier of the company, you can submit this letter with your new contractor’s permit. If the original contractor will not give you a release letter, you will need to submit a hold harmless letter and a copy of your financial statement.
PRODUCT APPROVALS (Must be current)
If the product does not have a Product Approval, you must have Broward County Product Approval Submittal form signed and sealed by an Engineer and approved by Designer of Record. **
- Pre-fab buildings and structures must have State approved drawings.
- Miami Dade or Florida State approved.
- Pre-fab buildings and structures must have State approved drawings.
- D.E.R.D. Approval Form. (Expires if plans are not submitted within 30 days of approval)
- P.A.I.D. review and approved stamps (Plantation Acres).
- Septic tank must have approval of Health Department, submit approval form.
- Food and Restaurant plans need to be stamped/approved by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations – Hotels and Restaurants Division, before permit submittal. An approval from the Health Department will be required before Certificate of Occupancy will be issued.
Citizen Access Portal is our new website which manages our permit records. It handles some of the features we had previously, which included researching an address or parcel, checking the status of a record and checking the results of completed inspections. Some of the new features include: status of workflow (process status), see plan review comments, check upcoming inspections (pending or scheduled), see the name of the assigned inspector for a scheduled inspection, and more. You do not have to register to use this site, except where noted. To get started, click here.
NEW! The ability to pay fees, schedule inspections and apply for “simple” permits is now available!
Note: Only properly licensed Contractors registered and approved by the City Of Plantation will be allowed to apply for “simple” permits and schedule inspections using Citizen Access. If you were previously registered and approved through Velocity Hall, skip steps 1 & 2.
If you have already been approved – click here.
First time users, complete the Online Registration process:
1. Download and fill out Online Web User Declaration
2. Submit original signed, notarized form to our office or mail to:
City of Plantation Building Department
Citizen Access Registration
401 NW 70 Terrace
Plantation, FL 33317
3. Register for an account on Citizen Access – click here
(The registration MUST be in the qualifier’s name)
Once you have completed all the steps, you will receive an email notification within 2-3 business days from the City of Plantation advising you of your status.
Inspection Request
Requests for inspection can be made on-line or by calling 855-385-4323. Inspection requests must be made prior to 12 noon, for the following business day.
Canceling or Rescheduling Inspections
To cancel or reschedule an inspection, please call the Building Department at 954-797-2714.
If you have questions regarding the use of our site, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 954-797-2714.
Permit Information and Submittal
Structural – Electrical – Mechanical – Plumbing
Fire – Landscape – Engineering – Zoning – Utilities
When do you need a Permit?
A permit is required prior to the construction, enlargement, alteration or repair of any building structure or part thereof (FBC 105.1). Please do not begin to build or alter until you receive your approved permit. Please contact the Building Department (954) 797-2250 for any questions or concerns.
Why do you need a Permit?
You are required to pull a permit to insure compliance with state and local regulations, to insure competency license and insurance of your contractor and to provide a safe living environment. (Florida Statutes 553.79)
- Building Permits are required to erect, enlarge, alter, remove, demolish or repair a structure in the City of Plantation. This includes everything from fences and garages to commercial construction, signs and additions.
- Electrical Permits are required for all electrical work, including the installation of new electrical service equipment, existing service relocations, service increases, as well as fixed appliances and equipment connections.
- Mechanical Permits are required for new construction, the replacement, repair or alteration of mechanical systems in structures.
- Plumbing Permits are required for all plumbing work, including new construction, water service, drains, water mains, sewage disposal systems, backflow preventors and related fixtures and appliances. This includes gas lines, propane tanks, installation of fire and lawn sprinkler systems and associated piping to flammable liquids.
- Engineering Permits are required for new construction, replacement, repair or alterations of paving, curbing and storm drainage work.
How to obtain a Permit
A licensed contractor that is registered with the City of Plantation must submit an application for permit.
Exception: If the owner of a single-family dwelling or the owner of a commercial building not being sold or leased is performing the work himself/herself, an owner/builder may apply for Ownership (Warranty Deed or Tax Bill) [Owner/Builder Affidavit].
An owner/builder affidavit must be filled out and owner must meet with the Plan Reviewer prior to applying for any permits [Contacts].
Expired Permits
Per FBC 5th Edition (2014), permits are valid for 180 days from the date issued or 90 days after the last approved inspection. If your permit expires, a new application or renewal must be obtained accompanied by payment of the full fee.
Passage of Final Inspection on each permit is mandatory.
Requirements for Registering with City of Plantation
ALL CONTRACTORS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH THE CITY OF PLANTATION. Person signing permit applications must be qualified in accordance with (302.1C) the rules of the Broward County Central Examining Board, Ordinance No 78-9 and Chapter 9 of the Broward County Codes; the State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulations by authority of Chapter 489, Part One of the Florida Statutes, or other Examining Boards as specifically approved by the Board of Rules and Appeals.
- State Certification or Broward County Certification and State Registration.
- General Liability Insurance Certificate issued to the City of Plantation.
- Workers Compensation Certificate made out to the City of Plantation.
- If claiming exemption from workers compensation insurance you must submit (exemption) form
- Must have copy of driver’s license of person claiming exemption to confirm birth date (exemption must be renewed every 2 years).
- If other than Qualifier processing Permit, applications must have agent letter form filled out.
Proof of ownership required. Warranty Deed or Tax Statement.
- Owner / Builder affidavit must be filled out completely, meet with chief of each discipline that you are pulling a permit for and have them sign off on affidavit, prior to submitting permit applications (all contractors will fill out their own permits and will be submitted with your permit).
- Owner/Builders submitting permit for a new Single-Family residence must apply for an occupational license at the City Clerk’s office in Plantation City Hall.
CONTRACTS & OWNER’S AUTHORIZATION (Must provide one of following)
- Copy of contracts signed by owner (one for each permit) showing scope of work.
- Owner’s signature on each permit application with the scope of work and estimated cost of construction.
* Any items that are furnished by owner that are not listed on the contractor’s permit will need an invoice.
NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT (Must provide one of the following)
If job cost is $2,500 or more ($7,500 for A/C replacements), you must provide one of the following:
- A recorded Notice of Commencement (N.O.C.); original, certified copy ONLY – no copies will be accepted.
- Affidavit and unrecorded N.O.C. signed by owner (recorded N.O.C. shall be submitted prior to/at time of issuance of the permit).
*Notice of Commencement expires in 90 days if work has not commenced.
*Notice of Commencement is to be recorded at the Broward County Government Center.
$20 application fee and $10 per page of plans; the first page of plans is free. All other applications that are submitted in original package will not be charged the processing fee ($20 per application).
Local contact person (print name)
Local Fax # for contact person
- To expedite permit process it is required that all permits including all Sub-contractor permits be submitted as a complete package.
- Non-Residential and Residential jobs must submit all subcontractor permits in a package.
- Single Family packages only need one contract for entire package.
- Demolition permits must include Building and Electrical permits.
- All permit applications must be completely filled out, including all telephone, fax numbers and Contractor’s e-mail address.
- Building
- Roofs
- Shutters
- Electrical / Fire
- Mechanical
- Plumbing
- Fire sprinkler
- Backflow Preventors
- Engineering
- Paving, Driveway
- Drainage, Curbing, Sidewalk
- Signed and sealed, for requirements of Architect or Engineer, see Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014) section – Plans and Specifications.
- Compliance with Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014), the latest Broward Edition.
- Compliance with Florida Building Code, Accessibility.
- Compliance with Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation.
- Compliance with City Engineering Standards.
- Compliance with County and State Regulations.
- Energy Calculations and E.P.I. card.
- Submit three complete sets of plans. (Must be Signed and Sealed)
- Must be electronically or mechanically reproduced on substantial paper FBC
- Plot plan showing all occupied or unoccupied portions of the lot or lots.
- Property Survey.
- Registered Land Surveyor’s Certificate with duplicate copy for each set of plans.
- Engineer’s Soil Bearing Statement, signed and sealed by Soil Engineer.
- Floor plan.
- North American Vertical Datum (N.A.V.D.) for the top of all first floors must be on plans and permit application.
- Utilities Department verifies that Utility Impact Fees have been paid.
- Utilities Department checks projects that include any water or sanitary sewer main extensions, and that regulatory agency permits have been issued as well as Utilities Department criteria for bonding, easement, Developer Agreements and inspection fees.
- Utilities Department verifies that provisions have been made in the plans for installation of an American Water Works Association Backflow Prevention Device.
- If applicable, Utilities Department checks the need for pre-treatment of wastewater.
- Roof plan with Truss Manufacturers layout plan, Truss Engineering, Building Designer’s signed approval statement on it, per Broward County Truss Policy.
- Elevations.
- Wall sections.
- Use of occupancy of all parts of the building.
- Approval of Drainage District as Applicable (Old Plantation Water Control District, Plantation Acres Improvement District, Broward County Development and Environmental Regulations and South Florida Management District.
- Plans for water and/or sanitary sewer main extensions, must be processed separately through the Plantation Utilities Department.
- Ceiling detail, include U.L. design # and U.L. details. Plenum ceilings require specifications on Structural, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Plans.
- Complete Electrical Plans. Fault Current Calculations.
- Complete Fire Alarm Plans and Specifications.
- Battery Calculations.
- Complete Mechanical Plans.
- Manual “J”.
- Manual “N”.
- Complete Plumbing Plans.
- Fire Sprinkler Plans and Calculations.
- All other details to clearly show nature, character, and location of all work.
- All Product Approvals must be approved by Architect of record and stamped approved before submitting.
- Windows
- Doors
- Garage Doors
- Shutters
- Roof
- Fireplace