City of Miami, FL - Business Licenses
Miami-Dade County regulates many types of businesses, including contracting and the building trades, and for-hire transport companies. Other businesses are regulated to protect consumers, ranging from locksmiths to moving or towing companies. Businesses that handle pets are also regulated (see Animal Services at right).
Individuals may also need licenses to participate in regulated businesses, or for personal use. The State of Florida licenses drivers of motor vehicles, and participants in the individual sports of hunting and fishing. Miami-Dade County provides individual licenses for dogs and also registers Domestic Partnerships. The State offers Marriage Licenses.
In addition to local Miami-Dade County licenses, many businesses are also regulated by the State of Florida. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation licenses and regulates nearly a million Florida businesses and professionals, from real estate agents, veterinarians, and accountants to contractors and cosmetologists.
Contractors & Building Trades
Contractors and tradesman working in Miami-Dade County are licensed by Miami-Dade County's Contractor Licensing Section. More than 100 different types of licenses are issued within six major license categories.
Passenger (For-Hire) Transportation Licenses
The For-Hire Transportation and Omit Division licenses and regulates taxicabs, limousines, passenger motor carriers (including jitneys and tour vans), special transportation service vehicles, non-emergency transportation services, for-hire chauffeurs, and ambulance services.
Other County Regulated Businesses (Consumer Protection Licenses)
Each business or individual regulated by the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources must submit a completed application, pay the required license, registration, or permit fees, and provide the applicable supporting documentation in order to obtain a license, registration, or permit to engage in the type of occupation or business applied for.
Domestic Partnerships
To file a declaration of domestic partnership in Miami-Dade County, applicants must register with the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. Registered domestic partnerships covers visitation rights at health care, correctional and juvenile facilities and certain medical and leave benefits for Miami-Dade County employees
Registering as a swimming pool cleaner
A contractor’s license is not required for individuals who are solely engaged in the cleaning and treatment of water in existing swimming pools. However, all such individuals are required to complete and submit a registration form
to the Department’s Contractor Licensing Section.
All registrations shall be valid for one year and expire on the last day of September. Annual renewal shall include verification of continued qualification for the registration.