Click here to view available building plans and blueprints for City of Denver, CO on America's Building Records.
Building projects in Denver are required to comply with the latest version of the National Electrical Code (NEC) adopted by the State of Colorado, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 72, international codes for building and fire safety developed by the International Code Council (2015 ICC Codes), and the 2016 Denver Building and Fire Code (DBC). The DBC contains Denver's amendments to the adopted ICC codes. These amendments address needs and issues specific to the City and County of Denver. For this reason, the DBC is also often referred to as "Denver Building Code Amendments" or "DBCA."
For extra clarity on code requirements, Denver's building code policies (located below) provide detailed descriptions of how to handle certain situations that are not clearly addressed within current codes.
Denver Building and Fire Code
The current Denver Building and Fire Code (DBC) was adopted March 7, 2016, became effective September 12, 2016, and was amended on December 19, 2016, and May 7, 2018. The DBC contains all the Denver amendments to the adopted ICC codes. For this reason, it is often also called the "Denver Building Code Amendments" or "DBCA." The amendments address needs and issues specific to the City and County of Denver.
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Prior to the 9/12/16 effective date of the 2016 DBC, customers seeking building permits could specify whether they wanted to submit their applications under the 2011 code or the 2016 code. As the effective date has now passed, all submittals must adhere to the 2016 code unless special permission has been granted by the Denver building official (see side panel for instructions).
2015 ICC Codes
Denver has adopted the 2015 ICC codes listed below. You are responsible for ensuring that your project complies with ICC codes as well as Denver's amendments to the ICC codes (which are found in the 2016 Denver Building and Fire Code).
The links below will take you to an external site hosted by the International Code Council (ICC).
Commercial Building Guides
The following guides are available for download in PDF format:
Adopting the 2016 DBC
As part of Denver’s adoption of the 2015 ICC codes for building and fire safety, city officials led a public process to identify any potential Denver-specific amendments to the codes. Adoption of the codes ensures Denver's regulations are in line with the latest building safety standards worldwide.
Adoption process: The 2016 DBC was officially adopted by Denver's City Council on Monday, March 7, 2016, and signed by Mayor Hancock on Thursday, March 10, 2016.
Code Amendment Proposals
To view final edited versions of all proposed amendments to the Building Code, click on the PDF links below:
About the amendments: The proposed Denver amendment package was based on review of all amendment proposals by the Building Code Review Committee and the Fire Code Review Committee. The second step of the code process involved the Building and Fire Code Amendment Task Force.
Public comment: Members of the public and anyone who submitted proposals reviewed at the committee level (those approved and denied), were invited to request that specific code sections be called out for modification or further discussion by the task force. Click drop-down link below for a listing of all public comment requests received.